A Journey into the Heart of Earth and Sky
Description: Turquoise, with its distinctive shade of blue, is a gemstone that embodies the beauty of the earth and the sky. Its history is intertwined with ancient cultures and its vibrant color is often associated with symbols of wisdom, healing and protection.
Origin: Turquoise is mined in various parts of the world, including the United States, Iran, China and Egypt. Each region gives Turquoise its own unique hues and distinctive characteristics, making each piece a testament to its geological origin.
Geological Origin: Turquoise is a hydrated copper-aluminum phosphate, often associated with igneous and metamorphic rocks. Its chemical composition gives this stone its fascinating color and unique structure.
Varieties in Nature: Turquoise varieties feature color variations, from deep blue to blue-green, and can include natural veins and inclusions, making each specimen unique as a work of art of nature.
Spirit: Turquoise is often considered a stone of protection and wisdom. It can promote a sense of balance and spiritual awareness.
Body: Traditionally, Turquoise is believed to have healing properties, especially for the respiratory tract and immune system.
Mind: Its refreshing energy is associated with mental clarity and emotional balance.
Zodiac Signs: Turquoise is often linked to the zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, bringing them luck and protection.
Chakra: Associated primarily with the Throat Chakra and Heart Chakra, Turquoise stimulates open communication and compassionate love.