The Delicate Stone of Tranquility
Description: Lepidolite is a purple, pink and lilac colored stone, often characterized by the presence of sparkling mica crystals. Its delicate elegance makes it a unique choice for jewelry and home decor.
Origin: The main sources of Lepidolite include Brazil, Madagascar, Russia and the United States. It forms in pegmatites, igneous rocks rich in minerals.
Geological Affiliation: Lepidolite is a lithium aluminum mica, belonging to the phyllosilicate family. Its color is attributed to the presence of manganese and various elements.
Variety in Nature: Lepidolite can vary in shades of purple, pink and lilac. The inclusions of mica crystals make it unique and fascinating.
- Spirit: Lepidolite is known for its calming and relaxing energy. It can help reduce stress and promote peaceful sleep.
- Body: Traditionally, Lepidolite is believed to relieve muscle tension, pain, and nervous system disorders.
- Mind: This stone is associated with mental clarity, stimulating concentration and helping to overcome anxiety.
Zodiac Signs: Lepidolite is often linked to the zodiac signs of Cancer, Libra and Pisces, bringing a sense of balance and empathy.
Chakra: Lepidolite is primarily associated with the Heart Chakra and Third Eye Chakra , promoting compassionate love and intuition.